
About ADF Fitness Admin

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So far ADF Fitness Admin has created 91 blog entries.

WOD #21

For Time: Row, 1000m 150 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) 30 Burpees WARM UP: Samson Stretch 10 Inch Worm Push-ups 10 Pull-ups 10 Glute Bridge Jog 400m SCALING: Reduce weight of Kettlebell 30 Cal on Assault Bike instead of burpees

Ways to improve Self Discipline

After joining the Military you are taught, through external motivation, personal discipline. Military training instructors look to impose on you rules and limitations that help lead you towards being more disciplined and being able to react quickly. What is taught to new recruits in their initial training forms the basic expectation for timings and behaviour in the ADF. In the space of a few short weeks that external motivation provided by the instructors is replaced by your [...]

What should you do on ANZAC DAY

ANZAC DAY means something different for everyone. For some it is a time to remember loved who have passed, for others a time to think of family and friends who are currently serving, and some just a day to say thanks. ANZAC DAY services are a major component of Australian Culture, and while it is nice to recognise service there is more we can do. Unfortunately there are still large of serving and ex-serving personnel that suffer from [...]

WOD #20

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats WARM UP: Samson Stretch Spiderman Stretch Arm Rotation Inch Worm Lat Stretch Torso Roations 3 Rounds: Row 200m 10 Walking Lunges 10 Sit-ups Bar Hang with Active Shoulders Handstand Hold SCALING: Reduce Reps as required Banded Pull-ups Push-ups from knees Lunge instead of squat

WOD #19

Complete [A] then [B]: [A] 7 sets of 3: Front Squat Note: Rest as needed between sets [B] Rowing: Row 250m Rest 30 Seconds Row 500m Rest 60 Seconds Row 750m Rest 90 Seconds Row 1000m Rest 2 Minutes Row 2000m WARMUP: Samson Stretch, 10 Seconds Spiderman Stretch, 10 Seconds 5 Inch Worm Push-ups Row 200m 10 Situps 10 Jump squats 3 x Back squat at increasing warm up weights

WOD #18

WOD #18 21-15-9 of: Squat Cleans (62/40 kg) Ring Dips WARM UP: Samson stretch Spiderman Stretch 5 Inch Worm Push-ups 5 Pull-ups 5 Toes-to-bar Jog 400m Burgener warm up SCALING: Reduce Clean Weight Banded Dips

Improve your Pack Marching by getting Stronger!

The ability to carry loads over large distances has been an important aspect of soldiering for thousands of years. The ability to move across the battle field without fatigue inhibiting a soldiers ability to fight is just as important for the tactical athlete today as it was for Hannibal and his Army in 218 BC. For the civilian population hiking through mountains with weight is not a task you want to do without the [...]

WOD #17

21-15-9 of: Deadlifts (102/75 kg) Burpees Over The Bar Box Jumps (24"/20") WARM UP: Samson Stretch Calf Stretch Glute Bridge, 20 reps Pull-ups, 5 reps Jumping Lunges, 10 reps Broad Jumps, 5 reps Jog 400m SCALING: Deadlift: Reduce Weight Box Jumps: Steps Ups

WOD #16

3 Rounds of: Wall-ball (20/14 lbs) Sumo deadlift high-pull (52/40 kg) Box Jump (20" box) Push-press (42/35 kg) Row (Calories) Rest In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. One minute rest at the end of each round. This workout is commonly named "Fight Gone Bad". We have increased the weights used to ensure you develop more strength with intermittent [...]

WOD #15

5 Rounds for time: 15 Thrusters (42/30 kg) Run 400m Warm-up: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch Arm Circles Walking Lunges Glute Bridge Push-up Plus Run 200m Scaling: Thrusters - If you cannot press do front squats. If you cannot squat do deadlifts and push press. Run - If you cannot run then Row 400m.

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