Recruitment Experience

WOD #55

5 Rounds for Time: 10 Pullups 15 Pushups 20 Squats 10 Burpees Run 400m Rest 2 Minutes Note: Wear a weight vest or webbing in available. WARM UP: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch Spiderman [...]

WOD #54

5 Rounds for Time: 10 Squat Cleans (42/30 kg) 10 Push Press (42/30 kg) 200m Farmers Carry (32/24 kg kettlebells) WARM UP: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch Jog 400m 3 Rounds: 10 x Toes to [...]

WOD #53

5 Rounds for Time: Run 400m 20 Deadlifts (80/60kg) 10 Burpees over the Bar WARM UP: Calf Stretch Pidgeon Stretch Samson Stretch Inch Worm Push-ups 3 Rounds: 5 Pull-ups 10 Toes-to-bar 15 Squats [...]

WOD #52

10-20-30: Thrusters (42/30 kg) Burpees WARM UP: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch Spiderman Stretch Torso Rotation 10 x Kipping Swings 10 x Toes-to-bar 10 x Mountain Climbers 3 Rounds: 5 x Power Cleans 5 [...]

WOD #51

[A] 5 sets of 5: Front Squat Note: Rest as needed between Sets [B] For Time: Run 2400m, Rest Run 1200m, Rest Run 600m, Rest Run 300m, Rest Run 150m Note: Work Rest [...]

WOD #50

For Time: 3 Rounds: 10 Pull-ups 10 Toes-to-bar 10 Burpees Without Break begin: 500m Farmers Carry (32kg per hand) The Farmers Carry is completed wearing a 8kg weight vest or body armour. Each [...]

WOD #49

21-15-9: Squat Cleans (62/42 kg) Wall Balls (20/14 lbs) Push-ups WARM-UP: 10 x Leg Swings Samson Stretch Mountain Climbers 10 x Glute Bridge 3 Rounds: 10 x Glute Bridge 5 x Pull-ups 5 [...]

WOD #48

[A] 5 Sets for load: Yoke Carry, 20m Note: Rest as needed between sets. [B] 5 Rounds For Time: 10 Burpees Shuttle Run (5,10,15,20m) Rest 2 Minutes WARM UP: Calf Stretch 10 x Leg Swings 3 Rounds- [...]

WOD #47

[A] 7 Sets of 3: Back Squat Note: Rest as needed between sets [B] For Time: 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20") WARM UP: Calf Stretch Samson > Spiderman > Pidgeon Stretch 10 [...]

WOD #46

4 Rounds for Time: Run 400m 100m Farmers Carry (32 kg each hand) Note: Wear a 10 kg weight vest or webbing WARM UP: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch 10 x Push up 10 [...]

WOD #45

3 Rounds for Time: 8 Muscle-ups 8 Squat Snatches (60/40 kg) Run 400m WARM-UP Calf Stretch Samson Stretch Inch Worm Push-ups Burgener Snatch Warm-up Jog 400m 3 rounds - Using light kettlebell 5 [...]

WOD #44

21-15-9 reps of: Deadlift (100/80 kg) Over the bar burpees WARM UP: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch Inch-worm Lower Back Stretch 10 x Single leg RDLs 10 x Glute Bridge 3 rounds: Run 200m 10 [...]

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