Recruitment Experience

WOD #21

For Time: Row, 1000m 150 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) 30 Burpees WARM UP: Samson Stretch 10 Inch Worm Push-ups 10 Pull-ups 10 Glute Bridge Jog 400m SCALING: Reduce weight of Kettlebell 30 Cal [...]

WOD #20

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats WARM UP: Samson Stretch Spiderman Stretch Arm Rotation Inch Worm Lat Stretch Torso Roations 3 Rounds: [...]

WOD #19

Complete [A] then [B]: [A] 7 sets of 3: Front Squat Note: Rest as needed between sets [B] Rowing: Row 250m Rest 30 Seconds Row 500m Rest 60 Seconds Row 750m Rest 90 Seconds Row [...]

WOD #18

WOD #18 21-15-9 of: Squat Cleans (62/40 kg) Ring Dips WARM UP: Samson stretch Spiderman Stretch 5 Inch Worm Push-ups 5 Pull-ups 5 Toes-to-bar Jog 400m Burgener warm up SCALING: Reduce Clean Weight [...]

WOD #17

21-15-9 of: Deadlifts (102/75 kg) Burpees Over The Bar Box Jumps (24"/20") WARM UP: Samson Stretch Calf Stretch Glute Bridge, 20 reps Pull-ups, 5 reps Jumping Lunges, 10 reps Broad Jumps, 5 reps [...]

WOD #16

3 Rounds of: Wall-ball (20/14 lbs) Sumo deadlift high-pull (52/40 kg) Box Jump (20" box) Push-press (42/35 kg) Row (Calories) Rest In this workout you move from each of five stations after a [...]

WOD #15

5 Rounds for time: 15 Thrusters (42/30 kg) Run 400m Warm-up: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch Arm Circles Walking Lunges Glute Bridge Push-up Plus Run 200m Scaling: Thrusters - If you cannot press do front [...]

WOD #14

For Time: 75 Pull-ups Run 400m 75 Push-ups Run 400m 50 Pull-ups Run 400m 50 Push-ups Run 400m 25 Pull-ups Run 400m 25 Push-ups Run 400m Time to beat: 18:32 Warm-up: Calf Stretch Samson Stretch [...]

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