
WOD #11

6 Rounds for Time: 24 Squats 24 Push-ups 24 Walking Lunge Steps Run 400m WARM UP 3 Rounds: Samson Stretch, 10 Seconds Spiderman Stretch, 10 Seconds Row, 200m Military Press with Bar, 10 Reps 5 Push-ups 5 Pull-ups Remember to scale the movement as required. If you are unsure Contact Us.

WOD #10

[A] - 5 Sets of 5: Front Squat Note: Rest as needed between sets [B] - For time: Row 500m x 4 Note: Rest 2 minutes between sets WARM UP: Samson Stretch - 10 Seconds each side Spiderman Stretch - 10 Seconds each side 10 Leg swings 3 Rounds: 5 Inch Worm Push-ups 10 Jumping Lunges 20 Glute bridges 10 Toes to bar / Hanging leg raise 3 x 3 Front Squat at 50%, 65%, 75% [...]

WOD #9

Sprint Intervals: 10 x 200m Rest for 1 minute between sprints. Record each interval. OPTIONAL: Wear a 10kg weight vest or webbing. WARMUP (2 Rounds): Calf Stretch, 10 Seconds each side Samson Stretch, 10 Seconds each side 10 High Knees 10 Heels to bum Jog 2 Minutes 100m Run through with increasing pace

WOD #8

"The Chief" 3 Minute AMRAP: 3 Power Cleans (60kg/40kg) 6 Pushups 9 Squats After the 3 minutes AMRAP you rest for 1 minute and repeat for a total of 5 rounds Good Scores are total over 25 Rounds For scaling options please Contact Us. WARM-UP: 400m jog Spiderman Stretch and Twist Good Mornings Burgener Warm Up Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and [...]

WOD #7

20 Minute AMRAP: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats 5 Pull-ups 10 Thrusters (42kg/30kg) WARM UP 3 Rounds: Samson Stretch, 10 Seconds Spiderman Stretch, 10 Seconds Row, 200m Military Press with Bar, 10 Reps 5 Push-ups 5 Pull-ups 5 Thrusters Remember to scale the movement as required. If you are unsure Contact Us.

WOD #6

Run Ladder: Run, 2400m Run, 1200m Run, 600m Run, 300m Run, 150m Run, 100m Recovery 1:1 - i.e. your rest is equal the time it took you to run the previous distance. Record all times and Comment below! Running is a huge component of fitness and military training. Great energy systems development wont mean anything if you cannot run. Ideally you will incorporate running into your exercise programs several times per week. This is [...]

The Importance of Exercise Programming

Programming: Research has shown that goal setting greatly increases the chances of adherence and the achievement of outcomes. Implementation of exercise programs will ensure effective overload, recovery, specificity, periodisation and balance. Each of which is essential to physical development and reduced risk of injury. Online programming can be a cost effective way of getting targeted professional fitness training or for more developed individuals that 10% difference required to reach specific goals. Exercise programming is ideally focused [...]

WOD #3

For Time: For Time: Run, 1600m 20 Chest to Bar Pullups 40 Pushups 60m Walking Lunges, 20kg DB 40 Pushups 20 Chest to Bar Pullups Run, 1600m

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